
Small or large scale, we'd like to work with you.


As a fishing rod manufacturer, you know the struggle.

Wrapping is the bottleneck in every fishing rod factory. You never have enough people to thread wrap the guides. It takes months of practice to become an efficient thread wrapper. When your guides are wrapped you then need to apply thread epoxy and suffer through that painfully long drying period. And your dryers limit your capacity. And you need a climate controlled environment. And you have to deal with reworking epoxy defects. And this all takes days.


We have a better way.

A guide wrapper can become very competent with our methods in about 2 hours of training. Efficiency is achieved with 2 to 3 days of practice. A set of guides can be attached to a rod in significantly less than 10 minutes.

We have a proprietary wrap coating that cures with UV light. With an industrial light source, an entire rod is cured in about 1 minute. It's ready to fish. And our coating does not yellow over time like epoxy.

We've put our products through rigorous environmental testing. They are strong and durable.

If you're ready to move forward from the decades old technology used in the fishing rod industry, contact us. We'd like to hear from you, and we can help.