Guide Replacement
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Teck Tips: additional pro-tips for guide repair
In addition to this package, you will need:
• Razor blade
• Lighter
• Paper towel
• Masking tape (optional)
• Pen (optional)
(shown with single and double-footed guides)
1. Remove
Remove the reel from the rod. It’s much easier to handle the rod through this process if the weight of the reel is not a factor.
Heat the wrap with a lighter to soften the epoxy for a few seconds.
Using a blade, cut through the epoxy and thread right next to the guide foot.
Remove the guide and peel off the thread and epoxy. Reheat and gently scrape off any remaining epoxy. Repeat if using a two-footed guide.
2. Prep & Wrap
Mix equal amounts of the 2–part guide foot adhesive. You won’t need much of this, about a pea-sized dot of each part.
Lightly sand the rod where the guide will make contact.
Peel the plastic film and paper liner off one end of the C–Tape. Attach that end to the rod on the opposite side of where the guide will be placed, and press firmly to secure.
Wrap the C–Tape all the way around the rod, maintaining a clean, straight edge.
Apply a dab of the mixed adhesive to the bottom of the guide foot, then place the guide on the rod. Wrap over the toe of the guide with the tape. (If using a 2-footed guide, dab adhesive on both feet at this point.)
Angling the tape as you go, wrap all the way to the end of the guide foot, then, wrap around once more to create an attractive straight edge. Cut the tape and press the end down to secure.
If attaching a 2 footed guide, repeat the wrapping process for the second foot.
3. Straighten & Seal
Using a paper towel, wipe off any excess adhesive that squeezed out from under the wrap.
If necessary, fine tune the alignment of the guide by carefully moving it until it aligns with the other guides. Press down on C-Tape to secure the guide position. DO THIS BEFORE THE ADHESIVE CURES!

Apply FlashFix UV Cured Liquid Plastic to seal the guide wrap. DO NOT PERFORM THIS STEP IN DIRECT SUNLIGHT - liquid plastic may cure before you spread it.
Brush it around the entire wrap and rotate the rod quickly to help it to level.
Cure the liquid plastic with a UV flashlight (included). Be patient with this as each part of the wrap will need about 10 seconds of light exposure to fully cure. Add more liquid plastic if needed. Thoroughly curing each layer.
4. Finish
Wipe the wrap with an alcohol swab to remove outer film on liquid plastic.
Great job! You just repaired your rod.
Go fishing!
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1. Before removing the damaged guide, place pieces of masking tape on the rod and use a pen to mark the centerline of the guide foot. Leave the masking tape on until the new guide has been attached and aligned later in the repair.
2. Coat the bottom of the guide foot with adhesive and use a small piece of C-Tape to secure the guide to the rod before wrapping. Wrap over this piece of C-Tape when applying the guide wrap.
3. Start C-Tape wrap on the opposite side of the rod from guide placement. This enables you to make a full wrap around – with a straight edge – before angling the wrap over the guide foot.
4. Pull the C-Tape tight as you wrap – it lays down flat and creates a sleek look.
5. If replacing a guide on the narrow tip section of a rod, the tail of the wrap may not stay down. Address this by pressing it down and applying a small dab of liquid plastic on the edge of the tape. Cure it with the UV flashlight and you’re ready to coat the entire wrap.
6. Apply the liquid plastic in thin layers. Spin the rod quickly to help level the liquid plastic prior to curing. Additional coats may be used to smooth out the coating or cover bare spots.
7. If necessary, to square up the border of liquid plastic use the folded edge of a paper towel to straighten it. Hold the towel tightly around the rod and push it up to the edge of the liquid plastic. Rotate the rod to make a defined edge, then cure it with the UV flashlight.
8. Remember that the thicker you apply the liquid plastic, the longer you have to cure it with the UV flashlight. Rotate the rod to light all areas. It will take at least 30 seconds of exposure to cure the entire wrap. Be patient with this important step.